Principled advisory services from your friendly neighbourhood Principal Advisor!
My name is David Thorp. I am a deep thinker and analytical strategic reformer with a conscience, skilled in:
- Strategy – integrated problem-solving, preferably for transformational social benefit.
- Analysis/modelling of costs, value & risks – focussed on the principal (most important) details.
- Principled challenging of the status quo. I dare to imagine and believe we can do better.
Click on the links above to read more about each aspect.
This is my business web site but on my personal website you can see things I’ve done across a range of subjects covering economics, energy, transport & planning, human services, justice and the Australian constitution, plus my ponderings on life, the universe and everything! In all areas I have a passion for innovative & transformational strategic change informed by objective analysis.
Please get in touch if you think my skills could be helpful to you.
I will be glad to think about how I might help solve your problems; or if I can’t do what you need, I may be able to use my ‘inter-web’ of connections to put you in touch with people who can!